February 4, 2013 – Oilers/Canucks Preview, Superbowl Recap, NHL News

[box style=”audio”]Evan Silva – Superbowl Recap [/box] [box style=”audio”]Kelly Hodgson – United Cycle – Triathlon [/box] [box style=”audio”]Brian McNally – Washington Examiner – Capitals News [/box] [box style=”audio”]Derek Keenan – Rush GM & Coach [/box] [box style=”audio”]Blake Price – Team 1040 – NHL News [/box] [box style=”audio”]Spec Report [/box]

February 1, 2013 – Superbowl Preview, Ed Hervey, Jason Strudwick

[box style=”audio”]Jimmy Quinlan – Edmonton Rush [/box] [box style=”audio”]Arthur Staple – Islanders News [/box] [box style=”audio”]Jordan Breen – Sherdog – UFC 156 [/box] [box style=”audio”]Ryan Rishaug [/box] [box style=”audio”]Coach of the Week – Pranil Mudaliar [/box] [box style=”audio”]Ted Wyman – Jets News [/box] [box style=”audio”]Ed Hervey – Esks GM[/box]

Coach of the Week – Pranil Mudaliar – February 1, 2013

Congratulations, Pranil Mudaliar, our latest Elite Sportswear Coach of the Week. Below is the nomination email we received from Vince.



Nomination Email:

I would like to nominate Pranil Mudaliar for the Coach of the Week. Pranil coaches Special Olympics Floor Hockey – “A” Division the highest level in Canada. Most coaches who coach Special Olympics have an athlete who competes; the amazing thing about Pranil is that he doesnt – he coaches the athletes for the love of the game and the athletes. Over the last 2 years the Edmonton Bulldogs have gone from the Team everyone would beat badly – to a team that hasn’t lost on 2 years. He really has instilled ethics and values like sportsmanship, while helping increase their skills and understanding of the game of hockey.
From: Vince MacIntyre