Congratulations to Vince Akinoyde, our latest Elite Sportswear Coach of the Week.  Below is the nomination email we received from Dean.

Vince Akinoyde Interview

Vince Akinoyde

I would like to nominate Vince Akinoyde.  He is a hip hop teacher/coach in Edmonton, teaching at a number of studios including his own Eye Candy Studio.

Vince teaches two of my daughters, and has been instrumental in them loving dance.  My oldest daughter, Reagan, takes many hip hop classes and it was his initial inspiration that compelled her to pursue hip hop as her main dance focus.

I am continually blown away by his generosity.  He does much that is above and beyond – from ‘putting on’ students that he does not teach at festivals, to giving rides, to donating his time.  He’s a really great guy, and he is teaching mostly adolescent and teenage girls.  This is NOT an easy task, but he nails it.  They respect him, listen to him and trust him.

He put together a special crew, not taking payment for his services.  This crew went on to win many awards and festivals, culminating with an appearance on Canada’s Got Talent.

Vince encourages, inspires and demands the best.  His expectations are high, but he pulls his students to get there.

My wife and I have known Vince as our daughter’s teacher for 7 years now.  Our respect for him continues to grow. He is most deserving of any recognition that would come his way.


Dean Kurpjuweit